Chromatographic immunoassay kit for rapid and qualitative detection of antibodies against HIV 1/2 in human blood
MFDS approval
Getting results In 20 minutes
Simple and easy to use
Optimized for Point of Care with a small diagnostic kit
No need to use extra reader
High diagnostic accuracy
Economical and capable of mass testing
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS refers to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which occurs when immune cells are destroyed due to HIV infection and immune function declines, resulting in opportunistic infections. In short, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Infection with this virus is commonly referred to as HIV or HIV infection. The routes of HIV infection include sexual contact, transmission through blood transfusions or blood products, accidental transmission such as needle sticks by hospital workers, and transmission from mother to newborn. In the past, when diagnostic methods for HIV were not developed, transmission through blood transfusions actually occurred, but recently, with the advancement of diagnostic methods, such transmission through blood transfusions has become extremely rare. In our country, it is mainly transmitted through sexual contact and intravenous drug use.