RF (Rheumatoid Factor) is an autoantibody produced in the body due to an autoimmune response. Normally, the immune system protects the body from external invaders, but in autoimmune diseases, it attacks its own tissues. RF is primarily an IgM antibody that binds to the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G (IgG).
■ Test Procedure for Analyzers (Hitachi 7180)
- Assay Mode: 2 Point End 19-34
- Wave length(main/sub): 570/800nm
■ Open reagent
■ Linearity: 3~600 IU/mL
■ Sensitivity: Initial absorbance ≤ 1.2
■ Limit of Detection (LOD): 3 IU/mL
■ Correlation: y = 0.924x – 2.798 (R² = 0.992, n = 67, Range = 4~589 IU/mL)
■ Normal reference range: Serum ≤ 15 IU/mL (37℃)