CRP is a protein produced by the liver when inflammation or tissue damage occurs in the body. It is an acute-phase protein, meaning it increases rapidly when there is inflammation or infection.
■ Test Procedure for Analyzers (Hitachi 7180)
- Assay Mode: 2 Point End 19-34
- Wave length(main/sub): 570/800nm
■ Open reagent
■ Linearity: 32 mg/dL
■ Sensitivity: Initial absorbance 0.4~0.8
■ Minimum detection limit (LOD): 0.007 mg/dL
■ Correlation: y= 1.03x – 0.03 (R2=0.999, n=81, Range=0.02~5.31 mg/dL)
■ Normal reference value: Serum 0.3 mg/dL or less (37℃)