Applying Patent for Non-Invasive Glucose Meter
July 18, 2016

Philosys, specialized in selling of blood glucose meter, have applied 2 different patents for Non-Invasive Meters which have allowed Philosys to position at a higher ground for future blood glucose market.

As of 2014, diabetic patients in Korea record at 2,500,000 and are increasing rapidly every year with type 1 diabetes at a steady increase. In order to maintain blood glucose at a normal range, one must continually exercise, diet accordingly and manage blood glucose regularly at all times. The Non-Invasive Glucose Meter currently available on the market faced fatal data results due to changes in skin temperature and long measuring time. In order to remedy this problem, Philosys have applied for patent of Non-Invasive Glucose meter that can measure the impedance of blood to yield favorable results.

Moreover; as a leader in Smartphone blood glucose application; Philosys have used its knowhow technology to apply for a new patent that involves measuring of momentum via non-invasive glucose meter. Workout is crucial in managing blood glucose; however, there were some difficulties in measuring, due to requirement of measuring blood glucose changes every 15min and 30 min after workout.

A company member of Philosys mentioned: “By checking blood glucose level before and after workout to monitor your blood glucose level can connect your momentum and workout time”. “This will allow patients to selectively workout according to their needs to manage diabetes which will be of great assistance in managing diabetes”. “Along with this, the data can be directly sent to the doctors. This will allow doctors to manage patients with great ease”.

Philosys is planning to launch this new technology during the 1st quarter of next year. The application of patent has added credibility to the technological capability and these factors have enticed domestic customers who are in need to Gmate Smart.